Adult Ministries

 Sunday Morning Groups

On Sundays, starting at 9:30 am, we have bible study groups that will fit whatever you are looking for. Pastor Sergio Reyes teaches a verse-by-verse bible book breakdown, Tina Reyes teaches a woman’s study, Paco Trujillo teaches a class for 18-28 year olds, and Steve Gray teaches a couples class. We encourage you to take advantage of these awesome mornings.

 W O W

W.O.W. stands for “Women of the Word”. On the second Tuesday of each month, we have a night of fun, food, and friendship for all the ladies. With a new guest speaker each month, you are guaranteed to have a good time and grow in fellowship and the Word. These nights start at 7 pm. You won’t want to miss out.

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast meets the second Saturday of each month at 8:30 am. This is a time and place for men to simply be men. We provide great food and we study relevant topics each morning that tackle the problems men face. Here we are encouraged to make an impact in our communities, church, and most importantly our families. Join us for an awesome night. 

 Ladies Bible Study

Every Wednesday morning at 9:30 am, we hold a bible study specifically tailored to the needs and circumstance of our ladies. Maybe you don’t feel comfortable studying scripture alone. Maybe you want to learn deeper studying skills. Or maybe you simply want an awesome group how ladies to dive in the word with, pray with, and fellowship with. If you relate to any of these or simply want study the Bible with other women, this is definitely the place for you.

Care and Share

“Care and Share” is not simply a name but a lifestyle. Every Tuesday morning at 9:30 am, “Care and Share” meets to use their creative talents to create beautiful crochet throw blankets, beanies, pot holders, and more. These items are then donated to the less fortunate and our missionaries. It is also a great time of fellowship and prayer. 

Singles Together in Christ (STC)

Every second Saturday of the month, our “STC” group meets. They are vibrant group that meet to have fun and enjoy good fellowship with others that are in the same life stage. Each meeting will be different depending on the time of year and other factors. One month you may go hiking and then anither you might go caroling. You never know what to expect with such an exciting group as our “STC”. If you would like to know more details, please call the church office.